Acaba Ne Olurdu? (What Would Happen?) and the 17th edition of Mimar Sinan Macerası (Architect Sinan Adventure) have been published!

Previous News:
My project Timeline Travel: An Alternative Tool for Architectural History Learning and Teaching has been chosen “Good Practice Example” by the European Commission!
Timeline Travel project is on Açık Radio’s “Açık Mimarlık“!
For Timeline Travel Tool: timelinetravel.net
My project Timeline Travel: An Alternative Tool for Architectural History Learning and Teaching has been awarded Erasmus+ KA203 grant!
For the project web page, click here.

The Women Who Built the Ottoman World:
Female Patronage and the Architectural Legacy of Gülnuş Sultan is now available!
You may see the contents of the book and read its introduction on my academia.edu page.
A Missing Royal Mosque in Istanbul that Islamized a Catholic Space: The Galata New Mosque has been published in Muqarnas (Vol. 34, 2017).

The 12th edition of Mimar Sinan Macerası is now out!
I had a signing session at TÜYAP Istanbul Book Fair on November 8th, 2019.